Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Birthday in 50mm

What a lovely day. the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw an angel looking at me with her big round eyes with a cheeky smile. She touched my face and coo-ed, I didn't know what it meant but I assumed it was 'good morning daddy, happy birthday and I love you', I kissed her and said 'I love you too dear'.
Then I saw the first angel that fell from the heavens then on to my lap, sleeping soundly; tired I guessed. She did say she'll stay up baking a surprise for me. Kissed the angel on her forehead and I went straight to the kitchen and there they were; delicious looking cakes looking back at me with names matching their reputations. 'chocolate moist cake' and 'death by chocolate'.
Then we went out for a lunch+movie date. clash of the titans (finally) and lunch at Georgetown white coffee(though we didn't get coffee there) we got ourselves rojak buah (fruitsalad-MALAYSIAN style), a couple of cendol in soya milk(instead of santan).
wait a minute, its a birthday what about presents?
haha my wife already gave me my present 2 weeks ago, a sony bluetooth stereo headphones for to pair with my w508. cool gift.. thanks!!!

as i said it was a great day and a great day it was indeed...and i have my wife and kid, and all the well wishers to thank for it.

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