I / Me / My / Saya

Its hard to be a self-critic.

But I believe less is more. I try to use less photoshop on my pics. But I'm not denying that it's necessary. Helps a lot sometimes(maybe a lot of times).

* Azrul Hardi is a photographer with 12 years experience in SLR & DSLR photography. Pick-up photography like everybody else the moment he was presented with a compact camera. Later he graduated from a compact to an SLR a Yashica FX-7 loaned from his father and since then he never stopped.

Currently got his hands onto web designing.

A husband and a father to a loving wife and an adorable girl.

In My Camera Bag
Nikon D80
Nikkor 18-135mm/f3.5
Nikkor 50mm/f2.8
Sigma 10-20mm/f4

In My (somewhat) Studio
iMac 20"
Acer Aspire(yes i'm still a partial mac dude)
Adobe CS4
Adobe Photoshop Elements