Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Birthday in 50mm

What a lovely day. the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw an angel looking at me with her big round eyes with a cheeky smile. She touched my face and coo-ed, I didn't know what it meant but I assumed it was 'good morning daddy, happy birthday and I love you', I kissed her and said 'I love you too dear'.
Then I saw the first angel that fell from the heavens then on to my lap, sleeping soundly; tired I guessed. She did say she'll stay up baking a surprise for me. Kissed the angel on her forehead and I went straight to the kitchen and there they were; delicious looking cakes looking back at me with names matching their reputations. 'chocolate moist cake' and 'death by chocolate'.
Then we went out for a lunch+movie date. clash of the titans (finally) and lunch at Georgetown white coffee(though we didn't get coffee there) we got ourselves rojak buah (fruitsalad-MALAYSIAN style), a couple of cendol in soya milk(instead of santan).
wait a minute, its a birthday what about presents?
haha my wife already gave me my present 2 weeks ago, a sony bluetooth stereo headphones for to pair with my w508. cool gift.. thanks!!!

as i said it was a great day and a great day it was indeed...and i have my wife and kid, and all the well wishers to thank for it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

happy birthday

taken with D80/18-135mm/f3.5/1/60s/iso200
and 10mm/f4/1/60s/iso200
aided by 2 sb-600 (bounced off the wall on the right)

forgive the small capped typing... still inspired from my stay at thistle (Thistle.com/Port_Dickson_Hotel)
over the weekend.

this is not a post about the hotel.

as at today i am now 28. it was a long way getting here. all those bends i think i handled it well... a hiccup or two, just makes my journey much more epic

i am now married to a lovely wife, blessed with a beautiful girl.
dear god, if this is a dream, please don't wake me up.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Office/Gym/Store/not enough room for a Studio

taken with D80/10mm/f4/5sec/iso200

My feet had been whining lately...

and I think they cannot catch up to my weight. Knowing the latter fact, I decided to raise the bar a little from walking around the neighborhood to restarting my martial arts training. So I got myself a punching /kicking bag (RM90-pengkalan kubor). Took me 2weeks scavenging for my old jeans/pants/shorts/pillows to fill it up.

At home I have this third room which until last week it was an office(sort off) / store room. I even bought a swing which comes with its own stand that will double as the bag's stand.

It also works well for anger management.
Yes it has limited space but I am doing something for my health. What about you?

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Unreliable Back-up

*sigh* a laptop can on keep so much files. For a shutterbug and an avid leecher, i consider a portable hard drive as a good investment.

Last month, I 'invested' on one. So I transfered about 65GB from my laptop into it to make room for new pics, new videos (yes i leech too) but to my surprise it gave up on me.

65GB gone bye bye...
Investment my a**!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Its a very pleasant feeling waking up next to her and her mother. Nothing beats the feeling. Its like falling in love again and again.

In this pic; my daughter Husna. Took these pics in a hotel in Penang.