Saturday, June 18, 2011

The best seat in the house.

muay thai had caught my eye for as long as i remember. 

when i was young it was not so commercialized. no modern gyms then and there were the old kampung style gyms which for a town(not city) kid it was too far away. hence i join one of the more accessible martial art and coincidentally taekwondo has clubs in almost all the schools around town. 

later in my life i rekindled my interest for muay thai thanks to the birth of contender asia and tony jaa and his movies. 

then last year i learnt about this tournament here in Kedah. Last year i couldn't join it because i got something to do but this year i didn't want to let the chance fly by again. I got in touch with Mr. Musaddik from asking him if i can tag along. And he said yes. One thing lead to another i landed myself a spot right at the corner of the ring. And here's some of my haul from night one.

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