Monday, May 2, 2011

taking a bite off the press (IMHO)

even to the untrained eye you can see the difference of complexion on the other pic, let alone his mouth. 

I apologize for any discomfort this post may cause. I also apologize to the family of the person whom picture's is used and may widely be found over the net over the past 24 hours.

I am not at all a conspiracy theorist.
This is just my take on the picture that the press claims to be Osama's.
and I am not supporting nor denying whether did he really had passed on.

What I am saying is that it is relatively easy to forge this pic.

I'm just going to comment this from a photographer and his bestfriend; Photoshop point of view.

this is a pic of osama in a 2008 pic

this is a pic of the other guy. and it had looked like a bomb blast did him in

i copied osama's picture from the end of his beard up to his eyebags 
i aligned it to the right size and portion and from here onwards its just a matter of tweaking here and there

let me just stop right here. that's how easy it was, the end result is just as the pic above. 

So needless to say it is still anybody's bet to say he's alive or dead.


  1. yep true bobab. i also sure that its not osama, and actually i rasa the figure osama itself was created by the ******* to give bad name to ISLAM. They created Osama as to accuse him of doing all those bad things that had happened and then now they claimed that they have killed osama. maybe there is no osama at all. maybe They just created 'osama' to make the world confused and blamed it on Muslim or Islam.

  2. Indeed there will more conspiracy to turn Islam down at the end of the life. may we live in Iman and Islam and die in Iman and Islam.
