Monday, October 18, 2010

Curiosity Killed the Cat

shot with D80, 50mm, 1.8 aperture, ISO 100, Shutter Speed 400

This morning I went for a morning walk with my wife and my girl at a park nearby my place. While we were walking we saw something that intrigues me.

Can any of you tell me what are these?

Wait; before you answer with the dumbest answer followed by a 'duhh'; let me clarify, I'd like to know their local names and their scientific names...
Because the flower actually secrete a sweet smell almost like a flytrap would, and I would assume it feeds on insects too...

Meanwhile the web on the grass also had triggered my curiosity.
What spider had made this?
The one that's in the pic is only one among hundreds that I saw spreaded over the park.  

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