Friday, July 30, 2010

to mr bruce wayne aka batman, yes sir we know

mr wayne,
that you saw was indeed appalling. but it is a reality.
the picture show that the vic is stuck on the grill of my car. identified as Penthetor lucasi or the dusky fruit bat was found at the state as in the picture with no pulse found. found it this morning however the exact t.o.d and place of collision was unable to be determined. apparently it had a head on collision with the grill and passed on immediately.

i expresses my deepest condolences to you mr wayne for your lost. however it is intriguing for the reason why with its sonar ability it was unable to avoid my car. for your information i am practicing a fuel saving driving method where i'm only driving 40miles per hour and having my rpm dont go more than 3000rpms. rather slow speed compared to your batmobile.

again mr wayne, please accept my deepest condolences.
azrul hardi

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