Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pahang Trip!!! (well tanjung lumpur, kuala pahang, telok chempedak at least)

Pics taken with Nikon D80 with 18mm-135mm Nikkor Lens/various aperture/iso100(day shots at various shutter speeds), iso200&400(nightshots at slow shutter speeds)

It was quite rejuvenating I'd say. Seeing places I haven't been to before. Not that I haven't been to Pahang before but this time it was for leisure or lepak except for the kenduri on Sunday, we pretty much have our day for ourselves.

I have to say that I'm still mesmerized by the awesome view of Kuala Pahang (where my cousin had his wedding reception). Its beauty is still well preserved. Some say its anti-establishment but hey, for such beauty? Why bother commercializing it? Let it be a place just for a visit. 'Look but don't touch'

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