Saturday, June 26, 2010

salute to boredom

holy crap... i am in the deepest state of boredom... this is crazy... not that i have no subject to shoot but i'm just BORED.

you see, among others, i'm a collector, kamen rider figurines from the showa era to be exact. years since the first sic figures got out i've been eyeing these guys with the utmost jealousy over the windows of every toyshop that has it in its display shelves.

years later, 9 figurines later (this includes shadow moon), the tenth of its series is coming out, upon hearing the news i leapt with joy, knowing that in 2 months time, sic vol 55 kamen rider STRONGER is coming out. with this, three more then it'll be complete.

so until it comes to malaysia, i'll have to shoot these guys over and over again...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Pics taken with Nikon D80 with 10mm-20mm Sigma Wide Angle Lens/f11/iso100/at various shutter speeds.

There are reasons for this post to be titled as such. The buildings I snapped, has been there ever since it was built. They went through wars and occasional renovations and they still stood tall to date.

Masjid Zahir built in 1912

Balai Besar (Balai Rong Seri) original structures built in 1735, was destroyed and rebuilt a few times. It was brought down by the Bugis invasion of 1770, and the same happened in the Siamese invasion in 1821. The present structure dates back to 1893, during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah.

Balai Nobat: The original Balai Nobat was built during the reign of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Mukarram Shah, who reigned from 1854 to 1879. It had five floors and was constructed of stone and metal. During the renovation in 1906, it was reduced to three storeys. The Balai Nobat is topped with an Islamic-style dome.

Balai Seni Negeri (State Art Gallery). This building was the earliest modern government office that was built in the town of Alor Setar. Its construction was spearheaded by Muhammad bin Lebai Tambi, an architect from the Kedah State Public Works Department. The construction of the building began on 21 January 1893, and he was also responsible for the restoration of the Balai Besar building.

source from

Pahang Trip!!! (well tanjung lumpur, kuala pahang, telok chempedak at least)

Pics taken with Nikon D80 with 18mm-135mm Nikkor Lens/various aperture/iso100(day shots at various shutter speeds), iso200&400(nightshots at slow shutter speeds)

It was quite rejuvenating I'd say. Seeing places I haven't been to before. Not that I haven't been to Pahang before but this time it was for leisure or lepak except for the kenduri on Sunday, we pretty much have our day for ourselves.

I have to say that I'm still mesmerized by the awesome view of Kuala Pahang (where my cousin had his wedding reception). Its beauty is still well preserved. Some say its anti-establishment but hey, for such beauty? Why bother commercializing it? Let it be a place just for a visit. 'Look but don't touch'