Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ops LALANG (not the political one)

Trust me you wont get better backdrop than nature itself. 

It is freakishly hot here in Kedah, but if it means the sky is going to be at its bluest (gee.. the spell check didn't mark it red/ i thought it was not a word) grab your camera and go shoot.  


Weeds are the most resilient plants you'll ever know. whack it, pour paraquat on it but sure enough it'll be back in a week. 

Although they annoy the best of us but spend sometime with them and they'll amaze you. 

Often we get visitors if you keep a small garden at home. But if if your backyard are filled with weeds, the visitors are of less variety but willing enough to let you take snaps of them. 

So get up, grab that camera, jump into your backyard and go trigger happy.

rate this pic here

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lye Huat Park(Garden).


Impromptu de-stress trip I took with my wife and my little girl. It was a hot day but it was needed. 
The park looked dead from the outside (maybe it was because we visited it at 2pm but hey...)

My daughter was picking a fight
with a soldier 

We were greeted by a platoon of terracotta soldiers/or at least Shih Huang Ti's bodyguards (I believe they were replicas though no information plaque were seen anywhere). Which one of the four is Emperor Shih Huang Ti? Its the one with the crown and some green snot  fungus under his nose.

This park is rather easy to locate but it is also the easiest to mistook it for a temple as the entrance looks like one. But it figures though as most of the artifacts are actually from China.

And by the way the park is also a Mini Zoo. I don't for how many animals but it was quite a number.

 I skipped some of the animals, most of the birds were in cages. But I like those that I took of a tiger. I guess it was lunch time for them too. It was actually sitting under the shade when I first stopped at his pen the moment he saw me he actually got out of the shade and started prowling at the edge of the water, and guess what? The pool's width was only about 6 feet between me and the tiger. My wife and my daughter?

10 feet away from me.  better safe than sorry. =)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hangpa Nak Buat Apa Dengan Gambar tu?

(this time this will be in malay (warning: local dialect is imminent). I'll post the translated version later)
{sorry again because this post has no pictures in it}
Aku suka bawak kreta ikut jalan kampung. ditakdirkan hari khamis hari tu jalan fevret aku tu ada eksiden. 

macam biasa kat malaysia, eksiden kat jalan kampung pun boleh buat jalan jem, kereta jalan menginjak injak satu inci per inci, bukan pasai kereta banyak, tapi nak kena bawak pelan2 sebab nak elak penonton yang jakun tak pernah tengok eksiden. 

lori tanah gelek moto. macam baru lagi jadi, darah basah lagi(tapi kalau kaler pink bukan darah kot no?) tapi polis dah mai dah. lama jugak la kot. 

sementara tunggu kreta kat depan tu berani jalan (dreba pompuan[sorry kak cik, tapi awak memang nampak panik], first time jumpak eksiden yg mayat polis tak angkat pi tepi lagi kot. dia tak gerak langsung) aku sempat jengok tengok eksiden tu. mayat kat tengah jalan lagi(kat  line putih   tu). tapi syukur depa dah katup dengan plastik. tapi ada cebis2 dengan bekaih2 seret(sorry, terceghita) tapi ni bukan motif aku.

macam aku kata tadi tengah aku tunggu, tiba2 aku nampak sorang laki ni (aku harap polis la)selak plastik tutup mayat tadi nak ubah mayat kot atau nak amik gambar bukti kes. 

sambil abang tu selak plastik aku nampak orang berduyun serbu kat situ(hat ni ceghita sebenar dia). sorang2 pegang henfon. sorang sorang snap gambaq, amik video. terpaksa aku buat self-sensorship sumpah menyumpah aku sebab anak aku ada dalam kereta. 

(orang akan bagi benifit of a doubt kata: wartawan kot tu..) ni aku nak tanya: ada reporter paper atau tv amik news pakai camera henfon? tu yang tajuk blog ni macam kat ataih tu.. 

hangpa nak buat apa dengan gambaq tu? 
      juai kat paper? 
      feed kat stesenTV?
      post kat fb/youtube dsb?

ka hangpa amik semata2 nak menjamu naluri masochist hangpa tu bila tengok balik gambaq tu? 

tak hormat langsung perasaan family si mati. family dia ada kat situ ka hangpa mana tau? kot kot si mati tu kawan hangpa ka... orang kampung hangpa jugak ka...

kalau ada yang selalu terbuat benda yang sama sebelum ni dan sebelum hampa buat lagi tolong pikiaq macam ni:

hampa nak ka bila hampa mati (natural atau eksiden) hampa nak ka orang pi ambik gambaq mayat hampa lepaih tu post kat internet? 

tak pun dia simpan untuk habuan syok sendiri?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Chance Meeting

T'was a jovial day. (it was actually last week, really) 
I and my family went for a day out window shopping and sorts. 

and lo and behold guess what did i found? 

Too far? Look closer. hey ho its welsh's trainspotting. 

 Like everyone else my first exposure to this particular welsh's work was from danny boyle's adaptation. the 'choose life' monologue read by Ewan McGregor was really an eye opener. Enticing I should say. Why was this a chance meeting? Why I've put it at the back of my mind that one day I would want to get my hands on this book. and that was almost 10 years ago. And yes this was my white whale. my moby dick. 

And like Moby Dick, it packs a surprise (That; or i actually fail to do a research on the book prior to this.) The book was actually in written in scottish (i apologize if there is any other name for it) like GGAAAHHH!!! (thats 'wow' or 'holy rusted metal' for you)