Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dear Mr. Dietitian.

Dear Mr. Dietitian,

            You see Sir; I know you have been nagging to me about this, but please put yourself in my shoes. Its not that I am not trying to do anything

So tell me THIS Sir;

Could you say no to this?

 exhibit A: wifey made this for dessert today.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photography Workshop

Photography for everyone

I am currently putting up a Photography Workshop for everyone who are interested to learn more about photography (cameras, basic techniques etc.) 

Learn how ISO, shutter speeds, and aperture would effect your pictures. I will also share useful tips to take great pictures. The class will be in 2 sessions, theory and practical sessions and will be held every Saturdays (exact location will be informed to participants only) 

Price will be at RM70 per person. (yes food will be prepared)

Doesn't matter if you are just getting to know photography, just bought a new DSLR, or just want to refresh your skills all are welcomed to join the workshop. 

If you are interested; drop me a line. Let's talk. =) 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It pays to drive around with your camera

Like any other photographer would tell you; It pays to drive around with your camera.

It actually was a pre-planned and impromptu plan mashed up together really because I went out with a plan to get some shots over at the Broadband Carnival in Alor Star. (pictures seen below) 

Honestly, I think there's nothing much to the the whole programme. participants are just the main network providers some computer shops. the big stage and its sound system would be a waste judging from the crowd turn out. the car audio show off was just an annoyance to your ears and pounding your lungs (caution! those sounds may rupture your lungs).

However, my better shots of the day goes to these sunset shots from a rooftop carpark at City Plaza Alor Star. it pays to drive around with your camera. We were actually leaving the mall after dinner and just as I rolled out of my box I saw this awesome sight. 

Like I said; It REALLY REALLY does pay to drive around with your camera.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Much Welcomed Temptation

I was given some Sabahan Pearls sets from my Tok Teh crafted into some bangles, brooches and a necklace. I was asked to sell it but it had been a while since I worked with jewelries so; why resist? 

My make-shift studio again comes in handy, flashes were great and my trusty 50mm proven its worth yet again. 

If you are wondering about the pearls. They are still for sale. RM270(not your currency?) for a set of brooches, necklace and a bangle.    

Email me if anyone is interested. Makes a great gift.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri Maaf Zahir Batin

Yes. I know, Eid has passed but Ramadhan was a month, and Syawal's a month Eid's a month la... (a common misconception, try not to practice this too much) but its better late than never to wish everyone out there.

So this is our first Eid with Husna (my daughter) and we've always wanted to take our family portrait since she arrived(not that we don't have any, but none this proper) and off course like any other families would like to do it on the first day of Eid (again common misconception; supposed to be the only day) with my brothers as the photogs however, things went here and there almost all of us got mabuk ketupat, people visiting so it got delayed to the third day and i was the only photog. So i came up with a make-shift studio at home.

Since I was the photog and I am supposed to be in the photos as well, I found myself putting my bets on the timer (i lost my remote release sometime ago). With no one to get Husna's attention to look at the camera or to shift her attention away from the camera and to look the way that we were looking at was hard.

But all of us were glad it came out great, even the ones when Husna was moving around reaching everywhere else was great.

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Have You Seen Them?

some of the shots taken from the indoor shoot yesterday.
Nikon D80, ISO100, shutter:1/200, f2.2, format:RAW  

    Yesterday I went to shoot for a marketing campaign that is going to kick of in October (*gasp* oh my goat! less than a month?) But anyhow I believe I can come up with something in such a short notice. 

    A friend of mine once said that people work well under pressure; I used to disagree to that (well actually the whole lot disagreed to that then) but however I discovered over the years that when we are doing something that we really like we tend to get by, regardless of any amount of pressure that was put on us. 

    The collage I posted above are basically sneak peeks for the ads I'm working on. It may or may not be used for the campaign, but I'm satisfied with it, but then I remembered something else, someone said 'Being GOOD ENOUGH is what holds you back from GREATNESS' or something like that. 

    Nevertheless I predict the weeks after the 'Eid holidays would be pretty hectic and gruesome too when it comes. But I bid thee welcome alas.

   By the way I'd like to wish Selamat Hari Raya, Mohon Maaf Zahir Batin to all out there. Thanks to my friends and students who helped made this photoshoot work